Male to male fellatio. Original definition, however, it has been changed over the years to mask the homosexual reference.
"Yo bro, lets pull a broly after this workout."
by Shmall Dihk January 28, 2005
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Another word for Bro, Broski, Homie etc
It can also be spelt like: Broley
Tom didn't snitch because he's a broly
by Clingz October 18, 2020
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When a man overly criticizes a women who is clearly attractive, man must post pictures of current girlfriend for comparison. In the event that man has an ugly girlfriend or none at all, man must GTFO.
*Guy 1 posts picture of obviously attractive woman*

Guy 2: Meh. Her elbows are too pointy. And her ears are too small.

Guy 3: Guy 2, Broly Law is now in effect.
by PatDylan May 7, 2009
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The ultimate source of bro truths and man wisdom. They are usually the last stopping ground before making major bro decisions, such as what fantasy player to draft first or what to do when your new girlfriend has a freak out for the first time. Multiple Broly Grails can exist, but are few and far between, and will naturally default into a general hierarchy, such as the Jedi.
Ask Dan for advice about the three girls you're dating, after years of crazy relationships, he's the Broly Grail for this type of thing.
by Baby James August 27, 2010
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one who is "brolic" is riding on the broli trolley
Peter goes to the work out room everyday and now he's on the broli trolley.
by Sarah Anne Jose October 21, 2009
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Rhymes with Angelina Jolie -- A man who is so incredibly sexy that he makes even heterosexual anuses tingle with desire.
Dude, I know we are here in a strip club with boobs in our face, but I can't keep my eyes off that Mangelina Brolie sitting on the other side of the stage. I wonder what he would charge for a lap dance.
by Robin Finderson November 20, 2011
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an extremely difficult squat with the knees spread apart and ass sticking out. The person must be naked
Have you seen Eric's broly squat? It's so gay.
by Rabdullah Hummus the 16th January 9, 2021
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