A saying used in Forrest Gump to compare life to a box of chocolates, in the sense that you never know what's in store for you.
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." -Forrest Gump; a line from the movie
by TheDoctorsCompanion November 22, 2010
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It doesn't last long if you're fat
Karen reported Jimmy to the authorities after he said "you're life is like a box of chocolates, it won't last long because you're fat". Jimmy is on trial currently. F in the chat for Jimmy.
by bigdaddythemadlad January 24, 2020
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Apparently the real movie line, despite the fact that "Life is like a box of chocolates" is written plainly on the movie sleeve.
Person 1: mama always said, "life is like a box of chocolates--"
Person 2: life WAS like a box of chocolates!
by JaileyHones January 21, 2017
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1) you're a chocolate box raider when you lick someone's anal out

2) someone who is more than just a complete asshole
"yeah apparently they had sex and then he licked her ass OUT" :o

"have you met billy? he's a total chocolate box raider"
by takeajake69 January 13, 2009
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To use the bathroom only to be surprised to learn you have explosive diarrhea
Al notices Sara is tired, pale and a bit sweaty "You alright Sara?"

"No, I just found a grenade in the chocolate box and think I need to go home... Or at least apologize to the girl who was in the stall next to me!"
by Kaibosh December 20, 2013
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Someone who raids chocolate boxes. ie. someone who likes to pack fudge fudge packer, punch donut-holes, or who is otherwise a leatherclad tail-gunner.
What out Jimmy, here comes uncle chocolate box raider, wanna play trains and tunnels?
by jimmy the peach July 21, 2006
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A prison unit strictly filled with black inmates.
The Box of Chocolates is just a street down.

Nobody likes that street.”
by poopoopeepee March 18, 2021
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