a term used by an awesome person named jennie, and it means a little puff of air that exits out of the anus hole, similar to a FART!
oooo, i just boofered...smell that yummy stench that just ridden from my body...mmmmm!!!
by missy February 6, 2003
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An adjective used to describe an animal that is obscenely cute.
Look at all the squirrels - we're surrounded by boofers!
by Beatyouonce February 15, 2016
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One who has smoked or snorted him or herself retarded.
"This one is dedicated to the boofers on the back of the 1 train, lookin out the windows high on cocaine."

"Anthony is such a boofer, all he does is sit there and drool."
by Röch January 30, 2008
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term used to describe a large joint or blunt. it's been said that the term "boofer" predated the term "blunt."
"DAAMMNNNN, that's a big boofer!"

"How much weed was in that boofer??"

"Let's roll a huge ass boofer!"
by ndavidsmith February 22, 2009
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A male homosexual. A shortened derivative of a vulgar term used to describe a male who engages in a particular type of homosexual sex act.
Joe always suspected that James was a boofer, and he knew for sure when he saw James emerging from a gay bar last Saturday night.
by vonTrips August 21, 2009
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A non-Black person who acts ghetto. This applies to wiggers and poseurs of other races, as well.
Who does that boofer think he is? He can't rap at ALL!
by JMA rocks my socks May 31, 2004
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