someone whose head is too big for their body, and their neck is too small so that it wobbles and bobbles til it falls off!
"You're such a bobble-head"
"Piss off, Im Amy Whinehoose!"
by Mullaaaay February 11, 2008
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Middle Office Manager who is a Yes Man or Woman. Someone who wasted years of learning to surrender to upper management because they have no courage or spine.
My boss is a bobble head.

by Ms.Bg July 11, 2008
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a persons head who bobs up and down and side to side, they have a big head and a little neck.
Dean: Nikole you have a bobble head.
Nikole: *Bobs* Yes i do
by Nikole and dean February 8, 2007
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A girl with a big ass dome which is unproportionate to the rest of her body
Damn JQ, you see that bobble head over there
by Ben November 3, 2003
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A person who does so many drugs they become so retarded they bob their head.
"Tony is a bobble head..he drugged himself stupid, along with just genetics."
by Soupr December 29, 2009
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In the act of extreme drunken sex the person on top is riding you so hard your head is bobbing like a bobble head while trying to keep conscious.
Jay: My neck is killing me

Justin: Why?
Jay: I went over Alyssa's house an it ended up being bobble heading night.
by Jason Gracia May 17, 2014
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when a girl who is very good at giving oral sex sucks your dick and stops before you cum and leaves you with your pants at your ankles in front of her house.
damn she pulled a bobble head robbery on my ass in front of her house
by peavine jennings October 15, 2009
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