Philly term used to describe 80 mg oxycontin.
"Yo cuz i need 3 of those Big Boy's."
by C-Bona September 11, 2008
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Verb. Has American cultural roots to prison slang and is used by numerous immature, testosterone-laden individuals. Past tense: big boyed.

1. to take something over by force

2. A physical act on a smaller, or younger, individual by larger individual in which the victim is hoisted against his or her will to a less advantageous position for the smaller position. Can also be applied to non-physical situations, see below.

3. A usually difficult and laborious act by the little guy, or the under dog, to gain a higher status. Can be applied to numerous situations, such as socioeconomic and social status.
1. That guy has been on the Thighmaster for a half an hour now, I'm about to big boy him.

2. Damn, I was just getting my thighs all nice and strong-like, and this meat head came up and big boyed me. Now that gym bunny will think Im a shmuck for sure.

3. I finally big boyed my boss into giving me a raise.
by USS Lady Red September 3, 2007
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A fat boy that has a very large dick
Person 1: It's big boy! Let's go!
Person 2: He will crush us with that massive dick
by I can smell you December 15, 2016
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prison slang meaning to take something over by force
I hate watching "Family Matters" everynight, I'm fixin' to big boy the TV and put it on "Trading Spaces".
by prison linguist June 13, 2004
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He is big stronk. He big friendly and big popular. He get all laydies.
by Donald Caillou October 14, 2018
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When you have a pp and you get really big
by I'm rick August 30, 2020
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An oxycontin 80mg pill
I just slammed three big boys, i need to have a smoke.
by ernie poop April 10, 2007
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