short for Behavior Intervention Contract. It is a hella dumb gay ass name for detention used at Park jr high middle school. You get it by getting 3 green slips, which is easy to achieve.
(Sevie): I just got a BIC today :(
(Giga 8th Grader): Amateur, I had 25 by day 2
(worm on the ground): I have ingested 15 pounds of cocaine
by nevets_ September 9, 2023
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Main Entry: BIC
Pronunciation: 'bik
Function: trademark
Etymology: from the shortened version of the family name of the company’s founder, Marcel Bich.
-- used for disposable pens, lighters and razors

Main Entry: BIC
Pronunciation: 'bik
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: from BIC
1 : to shave with a BIC disposable razor
2 : to shave with any wet razor (disposable and/or cartridge)
Hey, your head is very smooth today. Did you clip it or did you BIC it?
I BIC'd it.
by Giorgio February 24, 2004
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i wanna go to a rave an take bics n buzz n dance all nite!
by Jessi-ka-ka May 15, 2006
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To take someones lighter with out them knowing. Usually happens when smoking, one person will pocket someone elses lighter and keep it. Can be on purpose or by accident.
Hey man, i lost my lighter yesterday when i was smoking with you, did you bic it?
by pissdrunk817 July 27, 2006
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1. Butt In Chair

used commonly for writers, when they should just sit down and write.
1. I should keep my BIC if I want to finish this novel.
by ilove2write February 15, 2008
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Bic is something that is surprising,important,or excellent.
"Dude did you see that, that shit was bic!"
by Tyler A. March 7, 2008
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BIC is slang for Big Italian Cock
wow that italian guy i told you not to worry about had a BIC
by Dick fuk December 18, 2017
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