The act of forcibly lodging a 12 ounce can or bottle of miller high life inside your rectum.
Dude, steve got millered super hard last night.
by alex a.... July 29, 2011
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"BAM you've been Millerized, BITCH!"
by mike February 25, 2005
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a person who steals one girlfriend or boyfriend,
that miller hit on my boyfreind
by hollycake September 28, 2005
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To Miller is to beat off or masturbate
I was going to Miller but didn't.
by Nat belle January 22, 2020
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1. To be short.
2. To suffer from Napoleon Complex.
3. To have no control over one's self when intoxicated.
"That man is a Miller!"
"I was drunk as a Miller!"
"Miller thinks he's tough"
by Honkee Magoo June 13, 2006
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1. When you get beaten by a friend.
2. When you milk a joke so much it isn't funny anymore.
1. I have two black eyes - I got millered.
2. You just millered that joke.
by Danjovi February 4, 2016
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