A drink consisting of White Rum, Dark Rum, sours, and pinapple juice

Got the name because of its grey green colour (like a zombie skin)
I'd like a Zombie please..
by NetFreak April 13, 2005
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When you're recieving oral sex, you deposit your load in the girls eyes, causing her to walk around with her arms out scrambling for a towel, looking like a zombie.
Last night was great, I gave Lisa a zombie, and she ran into a wall.
by czech March 5, 2004
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as you are finishing during oral, cum in her eyes. quickly follow with a swift karate chop to the throat. she'll chase you blind with her arms out like a zombie moaning
: So Zach did she feel you last night?

: No, we didn't fuck cuz i gave her the zombie and she was fuckng pissed!
by Yourmomlovesthezombie January 15, 2007
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A "safe" and offbeat excuse for guys to horde guns, ammunition, tactical gear and other survival supplies without being tagged as being a member of a militia or other extremist group (although your wife and neighbors may think you are a little crazy).
Bob: I just ordered 1000 rounds of 9mm for the two new Glocks I bought last week.

Tom: Damn Bob, are you one of them whacko militia members the government has been warning us about?

Bob: No, I'm just getting ready for when the Zombies attack.
by The Original Big Daddy G May 29, 2009
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'Hoe, Zayn Malik is like a flailing zombie these days dude.'

'Yep yep, too scared to sing outside a studio. FLOP junkie man.'
by 1dead November 2, 2019
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A model citizen, and someone who we all should strive to be. Zombies don't hide behind their insecurities or lie to other people. They just want your brains. They don't need to exaggerate to make anyone feel better, but instead, being the upfront creatures that they are, make a bull run for your delicious flesh. They don't waste away life by making false friends, finding a girl or guy zombie only to be led on, and drinking their entire life to ease the pain. Nay, they do what they want (eating brains) at any cost, being shot in the head, blown up into a million pieces, being clobbered with blunt objects. But at the end of the day, battered and beaten, the zombie finds a way to moan and get on with his life. Isn't that the true secret to personal fulfillment?
Zombie 1: "Braaaaaaiins!"
Zombie 2: "Brains?"
by 73H L337 H4X0R!!1 November 4, 2010
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slang for marijuana, pot, refer, or herb in Australia.
Men at Work song "Down Under" Lyrics

"Travelling in a fried out Kombie, on a hippie trail head full of zombie."

Lets smoke some zombie mate....
by dogwood April 11, 2006
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