Something or someone that's wonderful, an expression of mild excitement. Used oppose to great, cool or wow to indicate an excitement level that's between saying wonderful and cool.
Now that's a wob!
by mikeyb0i September 12, 2016
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Waste of Bandwidth.

Something so boring and useless on the internet that it's a waste of your bandwidth.
Jeff: "Man, did you see that article by yahoo yesterday?"
Jill: "Yerp. What a wob."

Superman: "Did you watch the wonderwoman sextape yet?"
Batman: "Yerp. What a wob."
by Ian Smitty the Thrd January 29, 2014
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1. An elegant way of saying you farted
2. A disgusting thing that happens
Guy 1 - “Dude did you just wob the wob?”
Guy 2 - “Ya I just wobed pretty bad back there”
Guy 1 - “Ya I thought so it smelled pretty bad back there”
by Jetterson March 17, 2019
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A noise, originally muttered by Curly in the three stooges and later picked up by zoidburg and Homer Simpson, is muttered in an excited and anxious manner
Three stooges:
Moe: Hey, you!
Curley: who me?
Moe: Yeh you
Curley: You?
Moe: Why youuu (knocks curley on head)
Curley: wob wob wob wob!

Other examples are
Zoidburg ripping off fry. Fry couldnt buy something and Zoidburg got caught out
by Denis T July 12, 2008
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A member of or supporter of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). A shortened form of wobbly.
He knew every old wob song ever written.
by Katiefish July 13, 2005
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The act of committing a crime so unpoggers that it is punishable by death, usually executed by poison served in the ultimate Cum Chalice.
eg. 1: Chad was SO unpoggers yesterday, he was almost at the point of Wobbing.

eg. 2:"Guys, I'm totally Wobbing right now!"
by m0thteeth November 1, 2020
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