A talented commedian. Tried out for American Idol and because he didn't sound like other people, he lost. Then he became famous.
William Hung sang "She bangs!"
by Anna July 16, 2004
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American Idol participant who tried his hardest and even tho he lost, he still took it like a man
by willie February 5, 2004
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The most annoying person in the world,someone please shoot him in the head or something!
He dances like an idiot,he sings like and idiot so that means..HE'S AN IDIOT!!!
by TheWiggidy April 30, 2004
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The most inspiring and unstoppable new artist and American Idol Performer
by kcin March 5, 2004
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An American Idol contestant who failed miserably, but became an instant hit particularly in the US, showing how stupid most americans really are, showing that they cant think for themselves.
<american loser> man im gonna buy William Hungs CD
<non-american> man, you are really stupid
by whitetiger16 May 9, 2004
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A fucking moron. A fucking bitch.
Can't sing to save his life.

He's gonna get shot in the head someday.
Its just a matter of time.
"She Bangs, She Bangs"

Boy you gonna know when she bangs
by gonna get you boy May 21, 2004
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A retarded litte asian who can't sing

see retarded

Whoever thinks Will can sing is retarded too
He Sux! He Sux!
So shut up! Shut up!

Kiss my ass William Hung
by hexaGonmaN April 28, 2004
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