A similar idea to a Peurto Rican Shower, originally coined on the show Happy Endings, s2e16. A Whore's Bath is when you, instead of showering, rub dryer sheets on your armpits and splash water on your genitals in a lame attempt at keeping some sort of society-accepted level of hygiene and cleanliness. This usually occurs after a one night stand.
Person 1: Hey, you look pretty disgusting.
Person 2: Yeah, I know, I hooked up with some sketchy guy last night and took a Whore's Bath in the bathroom.
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Instead of taking a shower, one would use body spray or perfume to smell clean
Timothy opted for a whores bath when running late for work.
by BigfnRed August 2, 2020
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the act of sponging yourself in the sink with your clothes on, aposed to getting into the shower.
traditionaly, using spit instead of water.
she took a whore's bath before she went out to do some tricks.
by deonee June 14, 2008
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Prior to engaging in cunnelingus, a woman may cleanse herself by straddling a sink.
"Hoooold on, i need to take a whore bath before you head on down south!"
by Lil' October 28, 2003
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No shower and all chemicals. Deodorant, perfume, cologne, its called a whore bath.
After practice Terry was running late to meet his friends at the restaurant, so he took a whore bath then ran out the door.
by Jerry Nugget July 24, 2012
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To spray yourself or a friend with a sickening amount of perfume to cover the smell of drugs or simply not having showered for a week.
1: "You still going to come over?"

2: "Yeah I said i'd be there by four."

1: "Dude it's like six already"

2: "Shit! I guess i'll just take a whore bath and head out"
by Moo56 February 23, 2014
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A bit of talcum powder in the armpits; fingers run through the hair.
She shook her ass three times, took a whore's bath, and walked on out the door.
by cornholio October 15, 2003
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