A condition in which a person's frame of thought in all things romantic is completely dream oriented and not grounded in reality. Fantasy lovers taken to the point of specifically nullifying all other candidates is the main tangent of this affliction but is also linked with the princesstual condition as well. Often hand in hand. Inspired by but not limited to the great gothic/fantasy/Harlequin/"Southern Gentleman" ideals in American lore over the 19th and 20th century.
"She talked shit about me and clowned me 'cause I wasn't a baller. That girl got White Horse Syndrome"
by BigBlack81 January 5, 2005
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Anything typically associated with weird things done by mostly Americans....
I.e Florida Man...

Or just anything that would make you roll your eye n say, 'white people'
After hearing about white people shenanigans...

I.e A monther breast feeding her baby and holding hands simultaneously
"Sheesh,white people syndrome.."
by Mr. AvocadoMan July 16, 2020
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When a person, usually a male, feel a urge to help another person, usually a female, even when not asked nor needed.
He just helped her because he got the White Knight Syndrome WKS. Remember young padawan, everytime you help a girl in need she'll definitely remember you, upon another time of need.
by Walter Market February 26, 2015
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A syndrome that can occur on (white) van drivers due to their low education level, low salary, hurry and loneliness. It appears in anger, aggressiveness and nervousness, which often causes a van driver to speed, make dangerous maneuvers and rage against other road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists.

A person having white van syndrome is called 'white van man'.
Jack: "Let me tell you what happened to me this morning. I was riding a bike when suddenly a speeding white van driver almost crashed into me. Then he came out of his van, kicked me over and shouted at me. I don't understand what the hell is wrong with these van drivers!"
Matt: "It's called 'white van syndrome', my friend! It's a common problem among van drivers."
by JustASkullMan July 23, 2018
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White Man Syndrome (WMS) affects almost all white men.
A man with WMS is "always right," and will argue with you to the bitter end even if he doesn't have all the facts or is completely proven wrong. He will also find the need to criticize EVERYONE, whether they are close friends or strangers. In fact, a man with WMS loves criticizing complete strangers, and often embarrasses his friends by doing so, without a care.

Also, Most white men with WMS own hiking boots, even though they have absolutely no use for them whatsoever.
"The sky is green, I don't know what you're talking about. Blue? Go make me a sandwhich." "Can't you calm your White Man Syndrome for two seconds?!?!"
by LeChickaN September 2, 2011
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When a white woman is so unaware of everything around her, she becomes a shell of a person; a plain old white woman.
From here on out, this woman has White Woman Syndrome, and she is completely, and totally oblivious to the world around her.
*2 Men are playing basketball while one of the men's wife is watching from the porch.*
*Man makes a bank shot*
Man who made the shot: "Whooo, baby! Bankshot!"
Man who made the shot's wife: "What kind of shot was that babe?"
Man to his wife: "A bank shot, babe. I literally just said it."
Man's wife: "Interesting.
Other man: "What's wrong with your wife? Didn't she hear you?"
Man whose wife is sitting on the porch: "She has White Woman Syndrome. She just got it diagnosed."
Other man: "By who?"
Man whose wife is sitting on the porch: "The Urban dictionary. A friend referred me to this amazing definition I found."
Other man: "Thank god my wife doesn't have White Woman Syndrome!"
*Other man takes a shot*
by stfuandreadmydefinitions July 6, 2022
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White Boy Syndrome - A state of mind that finds one attracted to only caucasian males with stereotypical characteristics such as blue or green eyes, blonde or brunette coloured hair, a jawline more structured than one's own life, a hint of a beard (or in some cases, full on Chewbacca faces) and an overly-emotional side that tends to come out at night, preferably under the stars.

In some rare occasions, the object of attraction may be an ordinary caucasian with no striking features, but caucasian nonetheless.
"Oh my God, he's so cute!"

"Who, that blonde guy?"


"Eh. He's okay I guess."

"OH MY GOD! LOOK! There's another one beside that Volkswagen!"

"The brunette?"


"Honey, you've got a SERIOUS case of the White Boy Syndrome."

"I do not ha-- Lawd have mercy that one has BLUE EYES!"

*Sighs deeply* "C'mon, time to go."

"But he was just about to smile!"
by PopMyCherry January 4, 2016
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