A drink that can be either complete shit or damn fine. Has one of the most delicate tastes if properly filtered. Quartz filtered vodka recomended over a charcoal filter
I had four shots of Stolichnaya and it was damn fine.


I had a bottle of Smirnoff vodka and I couldn't touch the shit. Couldn't even use that to make a fuckin' cocktail!!
by Venerie April 30, 2005
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Ultimate cs:go drink. Can be used on basically anything. Except don't drop it. It's a bomb.
Vodka is better than rum (rhymes with cum)
by 🅱️ommunism January 10, 2022
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This was Dylan Klebold's AOL and DOOM username. There is no specific reason that I could find for the name VoDkA, but one of the Columbine Shooter's journal entries, did state that Switzerland was a good country, so maybe they had an affixation to the northern Europeans. Maybe I'm blasting this way out of proportion.
1. VoDkA is a legendary DOOMer

2. The heinous crimes that VoDkA had committed are not justifiable.
by Bill Mckill November 8, 2018
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Unfortunately it has become a pop culture joke. Most popular vodkas (smirnoff, absolut) are absolut shit and made in Sweden or Finland or something. Real and good vodka must be made in a slavic country. There is an ongoing argument with Poland and Russia over who created the drink. There is more evidence that says Poland coined the term vodka(wódka) for it and first started mass consumption of it. However, it was most likely created by persians or arabs. Slavic and also celtic people have the highest alcohol tolerances.
Good vodka includes: Zubrowka(the best), wyborowa, luksosowa and bols.
by cerealtitties January 13, 2006
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$30 for a fifth of Jack?!? Get some Smirnoff instead.
by Jimmers October 5, 2003
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Basically, alcohol mixed with water. An alternative to just plain raw alcohol, invented by people who did not die like 4 seconds after drinking it (and apparently wanted more). Go to any spot in Russia you can buy it for like 50 kopeiks (2 cents) a bottle

Comes from the Russian word "water" (meaning that the Russians practically drink it as if it was water)
V Vodke Yest Vitamin
Skazal Tovarish Ho Chi Minh

-Ho Chi Minh
by Minh Chi Ho March 16, 2005
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