1. University of California Irvine. A very boring public university where most undergraduates prefer to leave the campus and return home, than attend the lackluster events. The high Asian population keeps the school's major fields of study in Biology, Mathematics, and Engineering. Very easy to get into and is considered to be champion of ennui among the UC public school system.

2. The school I attend and am taking my Biomedical Engineering Pre-Med undergrad. Hey, it's boring but I made some cool friends and I get tons of cash in the future!
Stranger: So what school do you go to?
Me: UCI.
Stranger: Oh... we used to drive down to UCI from UCSB and beat up lame losers who don't party.
Me: Hehe...(T_T)... nice.
by LittleKip February 26, 2005
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UC Irvine is the 5th ranked in the University of California system behind UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Davis according to US News.

Damn, I thought UCI beat out Davis but I guess it was just a glitch in the system.
by tobasco sauce January 30, 2008
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A "school" or "university" that is located in the most cop-unfriendly city in the world, Irvine. Also known for the douchebag students and the horrible campus.
-I got into UCI
-Come back to me when you got into a real school
by IHATEUCI February 8, 2011
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University of Complete Imbeciles
...so, um, if you need an example to grasp this, you must be UCI alumni....
by ultrarad January 31, 2010
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She is a pretty girl, smart and creative.
She loves travelling and helping people, she likes learning new things and hanging out with her friends. She loves the sea and summer. If u bring her on a date she will love to skate with u and watch the sunset (and smoke maybe :))
Man: look at the girl!
Man²: buddy she is for sure a UCI girl!
by Azzzzzzzzzz June 9, 2020
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UCI people are sentimental people but with a big heart the very attractive and flirtatious likes to eat but it is very energetic she likes very much good and tall people. Omg! It's true! ❤️
by CECIPINEAPLE June 18, 2020
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uci is a stubid ass bitch
girl 1.“who is this?“
girl 2.“idk but it‘s a uci“
by kuchen is geil May 31, 2020
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