The best striker in the whole Premiership. A very skilled, fast and technical player. He rips through the oppositions defence and makes his presence known imidiately.

Fernando Torres is better than anyone on the Man United midfield.
by Rumo March 1, 2008
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A young talent striker with amazing skills who has carried athletico madrid for years despite the fact he is only 22.Recently linked with a move to the English premiership
Fernando torres is the heart and soul of the Athletico madrid team and a crucial player for the national team.
by Jonny123 July 16, 2006
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“The act of someone playing with juicy sweaty brown balls
“Yo is that Brandon Torres?”
No way he’s actually into Brandon Torres!”
by BigTits69420 April 27, 2022
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The act of farting on someone while they are giving you a blowjob.
This chick was going down on me and I gave her a Greasy Torres.
by AnalAssassin August 12, 2007
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Alfonso Torres is a downright genius. He's pretty freakin cute and really outgoing. He gets shit done and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He is rteally random and is guaranteed to make you laugh. He lives in the crap town called terra bella.
dang he just busted an Alfonso Torres and got perfect scores
by statsoffire December 7, 2010
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