My beautiful dragon wife. That lucious green hair, those meaty thighs, those whopping melons, that shockingly cute dress, those thigh high heeled boots, literally perfection. Doesn't help that her support with male Robin in Fire Emblem Awakening is one of the best supports in the series bar none.
"Tiki is the most beautiful woman in the fire emblem series. No! Not the one from Shadow Dragon! The one from Awakening! Unlike IS, I'm not a lolicon!
by KrimsonKatt January 25, 2022
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Tiki Is a brave friend who can be unsure at times but always pulls through. She is caring and wouldn't know what to do without her loved ones. She's beautiful, a loyal friend and we'll natured. She's also funny and unique. If you have this name your an extraordinary person. This is a name very few have and you should treasure it.
Person 1: Tiki is such a great friend!

Person 2: Your so lucky to have her as your friend always keep her close to you!
by ButtonsTheDog December 1, 2019
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Spanish female name, meaning spiky pineapple. Not very common.
"Oh TIki...!"
by SpanishNameHistorian001 September 10, 2008
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a form of pcp which is used by smoking usually cheap marijuana (mids),which is dipped into embalming fluid, which then can be rolled into a blunt, cigar of choice a white owl......
My body was melting after we smoked that crazzzzzzzzy ass tiki last night.....
by SKEEMERKC June 28, 2009
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The type of position movement mostly used in football where u cut to one side then u cut to the other side making the defender stumble and fall in a discombobulating form or position.
I John Daniells Tikied Tiki Barber.
by John Daniells October 21, 2004
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The coolest phrase in the entire world!
by pretty in punk June 3, 2004
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A male person afflicted with an unusually small penis.
That tiki can't get any chicks to sleep with him.
by Joe Blackburn March 30, 2006
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