A very refined, expensive or high alcohol content beverage.
'He ordered the most ping pong tiddly in the nuclear sub'
by allkindsofsickaye October 20, 2008
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Danm,its a nip bit tiddly out here,im going inside.
by yugocar April 23, 2006
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The last cum after you and your mans have been going rounds in the bedroom. It’s about enough cum to fill your bellybutton.
Lily: Tom and I went hard in bed last night. By the time we were done he could only manage a tiddly poot.
Riley: that’s cute!
by The Elusive Duck November 14, 2020
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Unnecessarily tinkering , while being oblivious to ones surroundings
Here I am cleaning up the mess after an all night bash while Gill is totally "tiddly winking" there in the corner.
by Gillgjr August 14, 2021
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Unnecessarily tinkering , while being oblivious to ones surroundings
Here I am cleaning up the mess after an all night bash while Gill is totally "tiddly winking" there in the corner.
by Gillgjr August 14, 2021
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