adjective-----not being able to tell people within a four year younger range the truth fearing that they are too young and that you will corrupt them..hahhhahh
Andrea (15 year old): Wow...that college guy is so thermal...he wouldn't tell me what he did last because he thinks that I'm to naive to handle it.
by caroliiiiiii January 14, 2010
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One of the three main components which helps prevent Humanitis. It is disliked by Humanitis Infectees...*CHLOE*COUGH*
"OH NO! You are showing symptoms of Humanitis! THINK ABOUT THERMAL ENERGY!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, Chloe is infected, don't tell her about thermal energy..."
by Frank Frankette October 16, 2007
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Creating discomfort by purposefully putting cold appendages on your partner's warm body.
My wife is the master of thermal abuse, the bitch won't stop putting her cold feet on my back while I'm trying to sleep!
by SteveTrivet August 18, 2017
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Thermally Enhanced Poop, or T.C.P., is a poop that is laid in or on a source of intense heat. This greatly intensifies the grotesque smell, and nasty form of the shit. This procedure can be done as a prank almost anywhere.

A T.C.P can be used in place of T.P'ing someones house. To do so, find a heat source near the persons house such as a vent, or electrical device. Gently meneuver the shit into the designated area. If a vent, unscrew the vent cover, shit into the air duct, and then close the vent again. This will suck horribly for the person and will make the whole area smell of shit.

A T.C.P can be laid at school as well. A good place for one would in science class. You can sneak into class after school, turn on a hotplate and shit on it, then wait for the next day.
The day at highschool was cancelled due to a Thermally Enhanced Poop laid on campus.
by Dev B January 5, 2007
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Press 5 had an unexpected thermal event
Translation: shit went sideways and we had to call the fire department.
by Mark Barker June 24, 2021
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That moment after you jump in the pool but before your genitals get adjusted to the cold water. Also for sitting down in a very hot tub.
1 - As Jimmy jumped in the pool, a thermal crotch transition occurred, and he yelled, "Ahhh my krundle!"

2 - As Jimmy sat down quickly in the hot tub, a thermal crotch transition occurred, and he yelled, "Ahh my krundle!"
by Mayo Therak Rotch May 9, 2011
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When a blue collar worker has been wearing thermals and their balls marinating in sweat all day
Dude I took my pants off and the stench of thermal balls hit me in the face
by Alex childs February 12, 2023
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