When you’re with the homies and you do gay things but you say ‘no homo’ so it is alright.
Me: Bro you can be gay with the homies it’s called being homiesexual but say no homo first!
Friend: Im down if you’re down!
by Thismakesmesayverymuchyes February 26, 2020
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When you deliver a sexual act on your homie but it is not homosexual
Hey did you hear tim is homiesexual
by Eye in da sky July 24, 2018
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When boys act gay around other boy friends (homies).
We arent gay, we’re just homiesexual
by olives?!? January 16, 2021
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sexuality for the homies. not gay. just the love for the homies
friend 1:bro that’s gay

friend 2: nah bro i’m just a homiesexual
by user1737284728473 March 18, 2020
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Homiesexuality - a type of sexuality where a man is completely straight any other time, but is gay with the homies but is still not gay.
No no no, its not homosexuality, its homiesexuality
by Notcharging July 6, 2021
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Acting homosexual toward or around your friends.
Alejandro said to abdussalam "Come to my house and fuck me"
Chris: Nigga stop being so homiesexual
by z6m March 7, 2018
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