To turn off the water in somone's toilet, and than crap in it.
Jordan Spiked My Beer with Exlax so I Dry Docked His Toilet
by Arctic Wasp February 2, 2008
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Performing anal sex with little or no lubrication.
Trisha's ass hurt bad enough that she had to leave work early because she had engaged in a bout of dry docking the night before.
by lutheria March 8, 2011
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With cruel intention, locate the primary toilet's water knob and continue to shut off the toilet's water supply. Quickly follow with a series of flushes to throughly drain the toilet's bowl and tank of any remaining water. Quickly take a shit, thus leaving your brown orphans behind to be discovered.
"Life's a Bitch," thought Johnny as he was Dry Docking into the Hotel's now empty toilet.
by D Asia August 6, 2006
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dry dock is new slang for a blow job, cause you didn't get in the water you just stayed near the water.
"dude, i stayed late and she showed up, we went around back and i got me some dry dock!"
by Oz Tommly July 10, 2009
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Rough anal sex without lube, usually done by surfers on the beach.
"Billy was dry-docking Bobby last night and now he is walking like he is bow-legged."
by CaliBoySandyCrotch February 25, 2010
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The act of defecating and ensuring some of the excrement remains on the dry section of the toilet bowl, requiring extreme effort for removal — and ensuring the stench is unbearable. The best results are usually achieved in a crouch or reverse crouch stance.
To get back at Blimmer, I went into K Lo's washroom in the afternoon and unloaded. I made sure to dry dock it too!
by Phineas Taylor Barracus January 6, 2005
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