"the year 2020 so far has been the worst year ever. we are on the brink of world war 3, and are currently experiencing a global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus. this is probably the beginning of the apocalypse"
by john fet May 8, 2020
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The idea of complete and utter destruction of reality as we know it. which isnt to far fetched in the world we live in today. either were going to blow our asses apart with the way to many nuclear and hydrogen bombs that everybody has. or the mayan prediction will come true. Also some believe in the Metalocalypse which is the ending of reality by the means of Metal, Mainly by the band Dethklok. I honestly dont believe in an apolcalypse. I believe we are killing ourselves but the human race is so stuck up that were going to blame it on other things, like global warming, or an apocolypse, but in reality its gonna be us that brings the end of all things
Scientist 1-I have completed a bomb that can blow up half the world and cause an Apocalypse

Scientist 2-lets use it on some country that we dont even have a reason for fighting.
by Mr. Satan666 October 20, 2009
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the day that george bush gets reelected, so i guess the apocalypse has already happened
a monkey being reelected? how can so many people be so stupid?
by clevelandsteamer August 17, 2005
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The day when the George Bushes of the world nuke each other until the Earth is one big smoldering ball of dead, atomless matter. May create zombies.
The more Republicans in office, the sooner the Apocalypse happens.
by ThePurple June 7, 2009
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So when's does the apocalypse start?

It started the moment Tumblr was created.
by slimeya March 7, 2013
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Something that will never happen while all of us are alive.
Don't believe people who scare you into thinking of the apocalypse happening anytime soon.
by A Little Pinprick July 30, 2006
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When fire rained down from the sky, we feared that it was a sign of the apocalypse
by ram March 1, 2005
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