Medium sized creatures with black and white coloration. Have been known to congregate and dance. Apparently like mushrooms, but not snakes.
Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!
by IanTheLUEser December 14, 2003
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To pester an individual, especially when they are engaged in another activity
Quit badgering me, I'm trying to work here.
by Yamikei May 20, 2005
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The star characters that gave the name to an internet animation released in 2004. The animation consisted of badgers, mushrooms, and snakes dancing, repeating their names over and over.
Badger, badger, badger etc.
by onenemesis May 14, 2005
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"Stop badgering her, she's not interested in buying another pair of your cheap trainers."
by Alex Quantashassle August 2, 2005
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A virtual terrorist organization, originally set up to fight for freedom and democrazy on the island of Altis, but breached several of the laws set by the geneva-convention. The group is being lead by SovietWomble.
They are also knows as the ZF-clan, and the"Molos Independence and Liberation Front" (or M.I.L.F. for short)
by cheesetaco May 15, 2020
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To infer supiority by dropping obscure facts into loosely related conversations.
Girl 1: Hey, did you see Lisa earlier?
Girl 2: Yeah, she looked pretty sad.
Badgerism Person: -and who had a 1976 hit with "Sad Lisa?"
*silence ensues.*

Badgerism Person: Cat Stevens. *Proceeds to sing several lines as spectators bow to the master of all knowledge.*
by Not_a_badger January 8, 2012
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