Tayla is a beautiful lady with reddish-blonde hair she chooses what makes her happy and changes her mind a lot although she does have a boyfriend/husband she loves someone else with a strong passion but chooses to stay with her boyfriend/husband. Tayla is a very good looking person who hinds everything from everyone, she has one friend she tells everything, but know one knows everything
Tayla: I love you
Boyfriend/Husband: I love you too
Tayla continues to think of someone else she loves more
by AlexisB00 March 28, 2018
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If you have a Tayla in your life you are so very lucky. If you have a Tayla in your life you better be prepared to laugh so hard with them that you forget what your laughing about. Taylas are outgoing and always have your back and they will never ever fail at making you laugh.They are so hot that the sun starts sweating when they see a Tayla they usually can’t ever keep still and are very entertaining and very energetic one might say that Taylas are complete spazoids. Taylas always have tons of friends and everyone loves her and she makes everyone feel better wether it’s giving them a hoe joke and telling them it’s hoe-larious or just completely failing. Tayla is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to you and you will think about her everyday and how happy she makes you. Also Taylas love to party and have a good time no matter what they always want to hang out with friends and they will always be prepared if you have a Tayla as a friend be ready for someone who makes sure everything she does for you is amazing.If you have a Tayla do everything in your power to not loose them because they are one of a kind and amazing and truly the best thing that will ever happen to you. Also I can’t even explain how hottttt Taylas are and how they are total babes and completely beautiful. If you have a Tayla be prepared for the wonderful storm that is coming for you.
Chase: Do you see that hot dudeslayer over there, dammm she both thiccc and sexy.
Andrew: yeah that’s my amazing girlfriend Tayla she is pretty beautiful.
by Taylas amazing bff March 28, 2019
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A young, brunette girl who has blue or brown eyes. Loves having fun and hanging with mates. Usually pretty random and spaced out. Becomes shy around a certain boy. Loves all type of music. Has pretty eyes, nice smile and a perfect figure. Very insecure about her looks. Can have a short temper from time to time. Has a bright future ahead of her.
Person 1- Dude have you seen that chick?
Person 2- Damn, she's gotta be a Tayla.
by Bigbootay July 29, 2013
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A beautiful blonde/brunette woman usually with blue eyes, who is sexy af. Everyone loves how outgoing she is and is never hated by anyone. She's a sporty person yet can be lazy from time to time. Her favorite letter is S and colour is usually blue. Favorite food is pizza, but did I mention she hates healthy food but is so fit at the same time💙💙
I wish I can be a Tayla. So active and

by Bella_Dobre May 21, 2017
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bad ass super sexy cool and loves fairy tail you are lucky to have a tayla in your life worship her
Tayla i love you be my bride
no worship me instead
ok my love
by badbitch000 March 20, 2017
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The best girl in the world. She's amazingly pretty,But she doesn't think she is. The boy she's with now, doesn't deserve her. She's a brunette girl, with medium length hair and hazel/brown eyes. Her smile lights up a room, even when she has her plate in. Her friends think the World of her. She's SOOOOOOOO funny. Everyone likes her. Sometimes, she gets annoyed by other people, but generally shes a happy girl. She is obsessed with Jack Sparrow. And horses. Many horses.
Tayla's so weird. She just ran up to me and screamed FIONA, right in my face.

Really? Tayla screamed DEAR KITTY in my face the other day...
by Alana-Banana. January 20, 2012
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crazy dumbass depressed anime bitch who sucks hella dick for a living (aka ketchup packets)
Me: "Where is Tayla"
Other: "Forget that weird ass bitch"
by BDD ccc February 26, 2019
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