The act of a woman inserting a nipple inside a partner's asshole
My twonk game too stronk
by kingdequanexvjr January 22, 2015
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A fat twink. A homosexual male who wears clothes 2 sizes too small. Is usually a bottom, with bleached hair, and listens to basic pop music. Would be considered a twink but lacks the heroin sheik body.
until his gastric bypass EJ Johnson was a twonk.
by NinaboninaAbdujibarBrown May 16, 2018
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1.used to describe something which has been changed or modified from its original version while remaining essentially the same in nature. 2.something altered without being made into something new.
randomnewb: çool story bro

veteran: why is your c twonked newb?
by sporeo March 15, 2010
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Derogitary term from the 90s, a cross between ploker and twit.

Used on Red Dwarf regularly in between 'SMEG' and SMEGHEAD'
- Dan: I just ran over a nun, what should I do?

- Kev: Dan you are such a twonk
by jessica987 December 18, 2011
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A person that is such an idiot that he has to have his own special name.
That fucking moron killed me on Battlefield 3. He is an absolute twonk.
by BlownTyre July 8, 2013
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A middle aged straight man with facial hair. The opposite of a twink.
Like yin and yang, there is twink and twonk. Every twink has a twonk, and vice versa.
"Hey, that guy looks like a dilf."
"Nah, he's just a twonk."
by birdeeh June 4, 2021
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Somebody That Has Strange Or Idiotic Behaviour.
1: What Time You Coming Out
2: I Already Told You, You Twonkk
by Mason McEnery :) September 3, 2008
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