Stallis is the common name for the city of West Allis. It is a suburb west of Milwaukee. Stallis residents, or Stallions can be found participating in many different activities which include: drinking natty light or busch light in their garage, watching nascar, working at Citgo, or involved in a domestic dispute. Male stallions can be identified by their disheveled appearance, soft pack of Kool cigarettes rolled up in the sleeve of their plain white t-shirt, presence in a garage during all hours of the day, and well-worn knuckles used for spousal abuse. Female stallions can be identified by their curly, 80's style hair-dos (with or without bangs, generally with), poor speaking, disdain or ambivalence to education equal to or greater than that of male stallions, and general lack of redeeming qualities. A stallion female will JUMP at the chance to marry any male who has either a) no children, or b)a high school education. Male stallions who meet both criteria are considered unattainable by the average Stallion female. All Stallions are given a free 1993 Pontiac Grand Am or 1995 green Dodge Neon upon moving to the city.
Stallion #1: "Hey Ron, when you gonna put them rims on that sweet Grand Am you got? You gotta stallis that up!"
Stallion #2: "Just as soon as Debbie gets back from the grocery store with dat natty light I sent her out for."
Stallion #1: "Natty light? You springing for the good stuff today huh?"
Stallion #2: "You know it ol' boy. And my ol' woman best be home soon, lest she wants that black eye to have a twin."
by Paul wheelwasher April 16, 2008
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This is a term for the city of West Allis or Stalli-ville. Some identify it with White Trash Fest (Western Days at State Fair Park) while others with its infamous highway 100 where cruisers come from all over to pick up randoms. The rest of us define it was a way of life. We either want to stick it out to see what drama will be created or run away as far as possible.
Stallis: Home of the Mullet, Lycra pants, and Miller drinking beer-bellies!
by Rae*Cinco March 18, 2005
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The act of being a stallie cunt , holding out on cones and generally everything
Zach , stop being a stallie cunt
by RuggedCunt September 10, 2017
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Getting a blowjob in a bathroom stall from a girl while she is sitting on the toilet taking a piss.
On St. Patricks day, she took me into the the bathroom stall to give me a stallie.
by dksharky March 22, 2010
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Dirrty dirrty stallis.. home of the wildest parties and the non stop drama. we dominate laguna beach ANYDAY!
gjkjga jfakldfjad jfaksfjksfjsdf
by .l. December 23, 2004
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a dumb town, where highschool sweethearts stay together, and end up buying their parents house's from them so they can have more kids to repeat the life cycle....There's nothing to do in stallis...except to get food from fast food places or be "cool" and cruise highway 100
I grew up in stallis
by Aimee April 24, 2005
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A suburb in the most boring state, Wisconsin, also known as West Allis where the people are wild and the parties are even wilder. There is a 75% chance of a party being broken up by the cops. Also referred to as Dirty Stallis
"This party sucks, I'm going over to Stallis where the real s*** happens"
by Stallis at its Best January 30, 2005
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