Speedy is a kind of guy who's not easily impressed. He might seem strange creepy when you first get to talk to him, but he's actually the best thing that could ever happen to ya! He's really caring and charming when you get to know him.
A: Why is Speedy so pissed off all the time
B: You just don't know him really well, he's actually really great guy!
by A.Artsy October 30, 2017
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Speedy is a guy i met in the psych ward who was super quiet at first but then we started talking and he turned out to be the greatest dude ever. Now we’re together since we both got out of the mental hospital and i finally found a reason to live :)
Therapist: What helped you get through depression?

Me: Speedy, he’s the love of my life
by joeee mama November 25, 2021
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refers to low quality drugs, usually cocaine, that have been cut with speed to lower the price.
"Yo that shit you cop on da east coast is shit, it gets you all speedy yo. Its bad for you."
"Oh. I only really do cocaine like once a year..."
by toheatabove50C(122F) March 5, 2012
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A medical condition when a man has no control over his scrotum sack, resulting in complete ejaculation everywhere and anywhere.
Robert saw a pretty girl at the cafe and came all over himself. Robert has a speedy scrotum.
by LaZingara September 28, 2017
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