Horrible slang for a rinky-dink little cow poke town (aka Southern Cayuga). If everyone you know lives in houses with wheels or your cousin is starting to look attractive, your in "SoCo." The only place worse in the world is Union Springs
"What the fuck was that hole in the earth we just drove through?"
"That would be SoCo"
by Gracie Lou Freebush January 11, 2005
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Slang for South County in St.Louis
Many people from "SOCO" are considered trailer trash or hoosiers
"Did you meet that girl from SOCO, she couldnt give me her address cause her "home" isn't stationary"
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the southern county of st louis it is the home of many amazing people it is the most gangsta place in the universe it is the home of many hard ass pimps and drug dealers
You where you from boy

I hail from SoCo bitch

by celtic March 2, 2006
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what people from northern california (Nor*Cal) like to call southern california
"I'm taking a trip to soco this weekend"
by Tess March 17, 2005
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abbreviation for "Stranger on Co-Pilot". When you are dropping a load in a public restroom and some other person decides to get in the stall right next door and do the same...a stranger on co-pilot.
"Man I had to drop a load at Target today and some dude decides to soco next door. I hate it when that happens!"
by MarktheJ July 11, 2008
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school were a buncha rich kids go who think they gangstas
hey imma go over to soco

u mean the rich kid skool?

nah tha gangsta skool

by xx whitey shooter xx January 22, 2007
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Me: Hey u want some soco d?
You: what the hell is that?
Me: its southern comfort and sunny delight mixed.
by Christopher John Kaiser December 17, 2008
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