"I skulled the Muthafucker"; "Don't make me skull you!"
by Zilla67 August 25, 2008
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The proformance of oral sex
Her friend jenny gave me some skull.
by Free713 May 1, 2006
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Created in an attempt to imagine what in the world someone could have going on in their head when they say or do something absolutely ridiculous/ illogical/ or straight up retarded. This person must be lacking a brain in their head i.e having nothing more than a flesh covered skull resting on their neck. Skull.
What a skull!

This guy is skulled out!

Did you see what Baptiste just did?! He's been skullin out all day!
by nep503 January 30, 2011
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Something a bunch of people shout loudly while another person drinks beer from a beer bong.
by HJO3 December 20, 2003
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To darken out the eyes and mouth of a face in a magazine or billboard. It is a form of Brand Bombing.
Who keeps skulling all the posters at this bus stop?
by BugJ August 26, 2007
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To pop out the eyeball, and fuck em in the socket.
dave was skulling emma
by shit faced April 24, 2005
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