having interesting walks home while intoxicated with alcohol, meeting interesting characters such as an egg called rob, old chinese ladies giving out rice and being a total brummie about it.
Gyal1 - "i just dropped my phone on the floor, but it doesn't matter! I can buy a brand new one for £50.

Gyal2 - "Hmmmmm are you sure you aren't just scarletting
by BreEz3 October 21, 2014
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The literal devil and ruler of all hells. She does satanic rituals while listening to Blonde Boyz by Cyndago while ignoring her dream man by talking to big men.
Scarlet, you're the devil!
by Tony Hawk 985 December 19, 2018
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a kind girl, strong and ferse. she hates bullies and is bullied has a few frends but is a sad and depressed buttiful and will kick ur ass if you hurt her of her friend or famaly
Scarlet is a buttiful girl strong and ferses
by Scarlet angel November 27, 2018
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In Dublin, Ireland, scarlet is slang for embarassed - more mortified than embarassed, a kind of huge, overwhelming, blush to your toes type of embarassed. In the Dublin accent, it sounds more like "scar-leh" with a lot of emphasis on the first syllable
There I was dancing away and all the time me skirt was caught up in me knickers - I was SCAR-leh!
by Tel June 2, 2005
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She is the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She loves her girlfriends and is so beautiful. She has beautiful hair and her smile is amazing. Never let her go other wise you will regret it so much.
Girl 1: I just lost Scarlet it was such a mistake I still love her"
Girl2:"sorry she's gone I know you loved her but this was ur fault"
Girl 1"sobbs"
by heyhey66 January 4, 2019
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At term mainly ised in Dublin Ireland meaning that you or someone else is really embarrased or going red
Linda shagged him last night

Linda : hahaha SCARLET
by Lol-this-chap January 27, 2019
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