transitive verb.
1. Describes cramped conditions of where too many people are squashed into an enclosed space. Much like sardines in a tin.
2. Alternate version anchovied extends this concept by implying the particularly potent smell of the unwashed masses, as well as the cramped conditions.
man, this morning i was sardined into that damned commuter train!!
by cotdp May 29, 2012
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A game you play with your friends where you go ring a doorbell, stand on the porch, stoop, etc. and pose. You're not allowed to speak to the person who opens the door, you just stand there. The last person standing at the door is the person that wins.
Hey, let's go play sardines
by taylahhhh! April 19, 2009
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When humans are packed in tightly together like a can of sardines
"How was your train commute in this morning?"
"Terrible, I was sardineing the whole journey."
by Caveman217 August 6, 2015
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The putrid smell of fish puss that clings to the fingers and under the nails of one's digits that were inserted into the dirty box of a dirty whore.
Frank: Hey Carl. Did you have fish for lunch? I think I smell grunions and malt vinegar.

Carl: Hell no braaaahhh. I finger fucked that homeless whore that hangs around the park. You my friend are smelling my Sardine Fingers.

Frank: Dude I'm fixing to chunk my lunch.
by Eaton Holgoode April 8, 2015
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1. Border Sardine - Term used to describe any illegal immigrant crossing the border to U.S. from Mexico, usually in cramped vehicles.
"Damn man I was at Filly B's last night, that place was full of border sardines!"

"I heard the Border Patrol caught another load of border sardines downtown last night."
by Skeevy Weave May 19, 2008
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A group sex act of four or more people performed in a double bed or smaller.
Me and Chad took those girls from kappa pi back to the dorm and hit it sardine style.
by Parrot57 March 20, 2019
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A rather large, overweight person wearing a coat or jacket too small for him/her.
Harold went to go buy a coat and when he went to try it on, someone told him he was a Canned Sardine.
by Crusty Joe August 31, 2010
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