That furry porn site is great, but I wish they didn't use moon runes in the captcha.
by LordAlbatross August 1, 2010
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A game that is said to be a "WoW clone" but is not a complete copy. It is typically abbreviated with "RoM', and is set in a continent called Taborea. This game has WoW-like graphics and a similar feel while playing, but is not quite the same. There are no race options in RoM, but there will be in September, 2009, as they will be introducing the "Elf" race, along with two new class choices. The only race at the moment is Human. There are currently six classes to choose from, being: Warrior, Knight, Mage, Priest, Scout, and Rogue. In September, 2009, there will be two more classes introduced to the game being the Warden and Druid. These will be released with the expansion: RoM Chapter Two: The Elven Prophecy. One awesome feature RoM has that WoW does not is their Dual Class System, similar to that of the one in guild wars, only much better! Another very good thing about RoM is that the majority of the community is friendly, unlike on WoW. Another good thing is that there is no Alliance Vs. Horde bullshit, as everyone is independent until they join a guild, and there are no sides. The last, and most important good thing RoM has going for it that WoW does not, is that RoM is both F2D and F2P FOREVER!
Friend: "Want to go buy the WotLK expansion for WoW?"
Me: "No man, I quit WoW. Now I play Runes of Magic. It is just as good, but it is free forever! :D"
Friend: "Well screw WoW then! Lets go play Runes of Magic!"
by Rawrzaur July 17, 2009
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owned by a kroon loving estonian who loves teh vodka, you get staff and become his lapdog so he gets more gp to buy the beverage
Member: aj and numbers are earning kevins money on rune-server!

by amfgnowai2 July 19, 2010
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This refers to playing the game "RuneScape" created by Jagex. When someone is going to spend time playing on Runescape, or indeed is already playing on the game they are "Runeing it up"
"So George, are you going to Rune It Up today!?"

"It's time to rune it up"

"i'm gonna fucking "rune it up" all weekend!"
by swimace September 10, 2007
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The act of recieveing a blow job while playing runescape

1)Hey Carlos, Courtney gave me the best rune helm while i was killing green dragons last night!

2) Hey Tim, I heard that ebony chicks dont enjoy giving rune helm
by 69Mr Bruce69 June 21, 2011
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This site is full of inconsiderate people and has the definitions of: Fag, idiot, dumbass, kevin, faggets and so on. It is full of immature and childish kids, best advice is to stay off.
by Who ya think? August 3, 2010
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A runescape sleepover. When a group of friends gather at one place with their computers and play runescape, all night. Mostly common amoung boys.
A: Dude, Do you wanna come over for a rune-over tonight?
B: Of course! I just got to lvl 79!!
by amy6through0 February 14, 2008
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