Rose is a one in a million kind of girl. Her smile could light up a room and her eyes sparkle brighter than any star. She is the most beautiful girl that you will ever meet, on the inside just as much as the outside. She is perfect in every way and if you have a Rose you have to consider yourself one of the luckiest boys in the world.
'I'm so so lucky that I have a Rose'
by et ♡ June 18, 2020
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sassy, lovable but always has a fun comeback, loyal and would never let anyone hurt her friends
that girl is such a rose! i want to date her!!!
by london rose June 17, 2011
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Is 100% sexy, beautiful and amazing. So stunning, amazing bod, hears of friends and is a total QUEEN. Sassy af and just beautiful. Kinda a hoe but why wouldn't you be with bod like that?
new kid: who's the popular girl here
student: The pretty, princess over there. Rose
by lovebear123 March 27, 2016
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Roses are a beautiful people called Rose usually have blonde hair and blue eyes and are kind,caring,loving, and really beautiful on the inside and out. She would make a good friend girlfriend or even family member she will always be there to lean back on and will never bail she always try’s her best to reach her goals in life and loves to read and is really good a acting and dancing. She is the perfect girl in love to meet.
Who that beautiful girl over there oh that must be a Rose.
by Rose Neely September 30, 2020
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1) A pretty flower
2) A sweet, amazing person who you'll love for the rest of your life
Awww... thanks for buying me roses!
Rose is soooooooo awesome.
by birkenstocksgirl January 13, 2018
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An amazing girl who always helps you out. Usually dark hair and dark eyed. Funny, usually on the short side. Loving and caring at every turn. Best girl ever. Very sporty and loves to smile. One of the smartest people I know.
Guy 1: Look at Rose!
Guy 2: Who?
Guy 1: The awesome girl sitting in the 2nd seat from the left, raising her hand.
Guy 2: Is she single?
Guy 1: Lay off man, she's mine!
by <3<3oxxoxo April 28, 2011
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