A type of dress only worn by girls with straight-curly hair, cute enough to pull it off. Girls that wear rompers are usually capable of being wifey material.
A: "Megan Nicole Wong doesn't look fine with rompers on"
B: "Dude, are you serious? SHE'S WIFEY MATERIAL."
by smrtaznkd September 17, 2012
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a one-piece garment for children to wear at play; the lower part is shaped like bloomers
Person 1 aka Retard: I took a fresh dump in my romper just now, should i clean up?

Person 2: Damn, that's my girlfriends! Only chicks wear rompers when they try to look sexy. Why you wearing that anyway?

Retard: Yo, Daddy Yankee had that song Rompe out. I figure he meant romper, not rompe.

Person 2: Man, shut your ass up!
by ErickV August 8, 2009
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Bob: "There's going to be over 200 people at that party tonight!"
Rob: "Yeah, it's going to be a romper!"
"I'm having a huge romper this weekend"
by J-Unit89 April 6, 2008
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to break-smash sumthin...
romper:to smah,
los rompe discoteka..we smash the club
rompe el suelo...hit the floor
by alpha_pi September 4, 2008
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1) A child's toy which originated in Australia. They were plastic cups that you strapped to the bottom of your shoes, then walked around in and made annoying clacking sounds.

2) A nickname applied to platform boots (after the toy), which became popular with Australian skinhead culture in the 1970's into the 1980's.

3) A nickname applied to Australian skinheads, which referenced the platform boots many of them liked to wear.

4) The title of a 1992 movie about Australian skinhead culture and its destructiveness.
1) Take those damn romper stompers away from your kid, that sound is annoying, I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more!

2) I got my girlfriend a pair of romper stompers for her birthday.

3) Get the bouncers to kick those romper stompers out of the club before they start a fight and kill someone.

4) Australian actor Daniel Pollock killed himself shortly after filming Romper Stomper by jumping in front of a train.
by Pewps August 3, 2008
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Proper required attire of douchebags. Can be accessorized with a man bun, fidget spinners and vapes.
Matt bought his man romper for the low price of both his testicles.
by Colemanberry May 26, 2017
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