Root Word Pri-mus

1) to rule in a supreme way 2) fist among the lot 3) a Family Originating in Granada who's offspring covers that Island, dang it i'm Juanell 1L Primus, and i can't even travel there in fear i might marry a cousin my grand dad had 52 children and his farther 35 i'm crap out of luck over there
the smith family rules in a most amazing way, almost like Primus
by Cosmic Pope October 30, 2010
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It is the band Primus' slogan, meaning that you would say it if you really like primus. they got sick of the slogan after awhile but some people still say it because it's a great slogan, so if you see someone post a comment on a youtube video of primus and they say primus sucks give them an E-high five.
Fan: Primus sucks!
noob primus fan: dood primus doesnt suck fuck u

fan:Primus sucks
Noob fan: Damn straight
by Rageris October 11, 2008
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where you begin to like a band that you have always hated
i used to hate black sabbath but then i listened to war pigs and had a primus moment. they are now one of my favourite bands
by l0lm4tt August 31, 2010
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Someone who is delusionally optimistic about a clearly bad impending situation.
Maddie: Do you think Chester the bunny will make it?
Joe: Ab-so-fucking-lutely. I only nicked him with the weedwacker/bunnynicker.
Maddie: But he hasn't breathed in more than a week.

Lisa: Joe, I think you're Optimist primus.
by Bigmoe July 2, 2013
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A place of no education but of vada pavs and soya sticks.

This so called "Educational institute" will not give you a report card in time and will send you a pdf of the topper's faces instead.
Primus PU College? Ewwww
by CuriousSamurai August 7, 2023
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