That time of the year where normal people must bow down to the LGBTQIAPORFJNMVC community or be gaslighted and called a homophobe
“You support Pride Month”

“Hell no”
“Ugh you must be a homophobe
“Sure, ok my dude…”
“It is ma’am!!”
by PyroSabr July 4, 2022
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to be honest, idk why we have this, but today is the first day of pride month (aka, June)
Happy pride month my homo pals :)
by June 1, 2021
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a party of gay people get together and do gay shit. usually celebrated by big people and very very skinny people. not respected by christian of any kind because they believe that gays are going to burn in hell.
man 1: Man look at the news!
man 2: pride month again?? gosh what else is going to happen?
by babs.148 June 14, 2023
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The month where you give every LGBT person you know money. Every penny in your paypal should be given to the gays or you are homophobic.
Yoo its pride month!

Give me all of your money.

No wtf

by breadsheerann June 6, 2021
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a synonym for June, usually used by people who want to sound cool or important
Person 1: Hey, what month is it?
Person 2: Pride Month.
Person 1: That's not what i asked but okay...
<person 1 then went the rest of his life not knowing what month it was>
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The month of June where everyone comes out and has parades to celebrate the gay.
jUdy: Omg Its pRide month time for me to come out the CLOSET

HOmoPhobe: nO StAY iN tHe cLoset sTooPID GAY! no U pride month is duMb
by trumoo June 3, 2019
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