Posh girl, with an (almost obsessive) taste for alcohol.
She often tries to make friends, and can often be seen surrounded by a large group of them.
Posy likes clothes, shoes, and hats.
Can also be used as a term to describe something cool, or eccentric.
Also known as 'Posy-choo', 'Posalina', 'P P P Posy'...
"That's so Posy!"
"Hello Posy, my darling"
"I love Posy so much!"
by Dah-ling August 21, 2007
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Posi (pronounced pah-zee) is short for "positive" and is being used increasingly by the Posi Music industry to define music that unites and inspires their audience.
I was having a rotten day and needed a little Posi pick me up.
by Mrs.Z October 21, 2010
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the things in your pockets when you circle around the rosie(s)
pocketfull of posies. duh.
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posi short for positive hardcore. type of music that is hardcore but postive fast almost punk like in sound but with lyrics that state standing strong and never to give up also things such as if you fuck with me your dead. a term used alot by scene fucks such as my self.
comeback kid is posi as fuck man those guys are hardcore, they will fuck you up if you fuck with them or their freinds.
by xbloodyaffairx January 10, 2005
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The mistake of hitting the "y" instead of "t" on the keyboard.
He posyed again on his thesis about idiots.
by yard_dude September 9, 2009
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short for positive, popular among scene kids. symbolized by a peace sign or a backwards peace sign (the palm of your hand facing yourself); often used as advice, as in "stay posi" or in pictures which of course, will be hosted on everyone's myspace or blog.
basically, just stay posi. kthxbye.
by BritneyKay August 28, 2005
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Q;sup gangsta? want to drink
A; no way, im posi
by Kregg October 16, 2003
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