The thing that is tested when you are waiting for an Urban Dictionary thing to be published.
by Swago1200 January 16, 2019
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A very beautiful girl who has brown hair and brown eye's. She's sassy and has an attitude to boot but she is a very nice girl. She may push you away at times but you will always find that you gravitate back to her. Patience is a one of a kind girl and you will regret to not have met her.
boy: is that Patience
Kevin: yeah
boy: wow I need a girl like her
by theanonomisgirlcc March 26, 2018
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The quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like, except when waiting for Jonas Brothers tour dates and venues. then, all patience may be ignored.
Jenny "Oh my jonas! I can't wait for tour this summer!"
Sarah "No joke...ugh, when are tour dates gonna be released?!"

-2 days later-
by ultimatejonas May 2, 2010
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a virtue; typified by waiting for something without becoming aggressive
he exersized a lot of patience, he never tried to rush things to get his way.
by DLO223 October 9, 2015
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The prettiest girl you will ever meet. Patience's natural athletes and are very smart, though they sometimes lack common sense. Patience's are very introverted 99.9% of the time and don't like socializing. Patience is the wisest girl you'll ever meet and can get herself out of any situation and never gives up on anything. Patience's are incredibly loyal and will never leave your side until you give them a reason to. Patience has a very powerful presence that you will sense before she even walks in the room.
Bob: hey man have you seen Patience?
Joe: no, but I can tell she's here by the energy of the room
by 5439081 May 23, 2018
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The correct terminology for a female modorater who oftenly procrastinates illegally about male members.
Are you going to do your job or are you going to 'patience' about flamey all day.
by Flamey8 February 14, 2008
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