The perpetual motion act of not knowing what the hell is going on around you and thinking that you do. Usually resulting in flushing of a perfectly good stash down the toilet to awaiting fish, and then getting busted the day you decide not too!
Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that they are not after you.
by LayItOnYou March 17, 2007
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Hmmm those people are protesting against George Dubya, quick blow them up they might be making weapons of mass distructing from a polystyrene cup some aluminium foil and a AA battery!!!

You must excuse my friend he's just a little paranoid.
by Random November 26, 2003
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Not being able to trust; me.
It's like I'm
Paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a
whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I
Can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right
by Zach G. November 24, 2003
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A form of paranoia but it much more extreme. It can cause Luciedisease.
Girl: OMG! They're all around me. I'm gonna die!
Boy: You're so paranoided!
by Pseudonymy October 11, 2011
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The way your burnt-ass friend acts every time you smoke weed.
Danny: Dude! I was smoking some OG with Ben the other night and he was being paranoid, that fool is so burnt!

Sam: Yea dude, Ben is always paranoid when he smokes. He did that to me last week, that asshole.

Danny: Yea, I'm never smoking with him again.
by DjDrastik17 August 3, 2011
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A game from the 1982 movie TRON. Encom recently remastered the game and uploaded it to the interwebs for everyone to play. Currently, the only person to reach the top score of Space Paranoids is Kevin Flynn, with a score of 999,000. The player drives a tank and tries to shoot down turrets, other tanks, and flying ship things called Recognizers.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, have you played Space Paranoids yet? I almost got one of the top 5 high scores."

Guy 2: "No, I haven't, but it sounds really fun."
by h4m_80n3 August 16, 2010
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