Intelligent Experimental/Indie rock band from Poughkeepsie, NY. Formed in 2007.

Known for their energetic live performances,eerie riffs, great soundscapes, and driven Vocals.
"Take One Car rocks"
by snickerspj July 15, 2008
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Voluntarily placing oneself in an awkward and possibly compromising photo with the premeditated intent of creating a meme out of said photo.
(Bro's 1 and 2 are posing for a photo by Eiffel Towering some chick)

(Bro 3 jumps in on the photo creating an awkward situation for everyone involved)

Bro 1 - "Dude, that was pretty damn gay, bro."

Bro 3 - "Relax fool! Just let me take one for the meme. It'll be hilarious later."

Bro 2 - "Oh no shit?? Hell yeah dogg."
by nussbro September 29, 2011
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to allow yourself to get hit by a pitch in order to improve your team's chances of winning a baseball team.
Johnny, I know you can do it. You've struck out every at-bat this season and you really suck, obviously, so get out there and take one for the team!
by Nick D February 27, 2003
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Meant to sound like "Take one for the team." This means you are dating a girl you are not really attracted to, just for the sex. In doing this, you are taking one for your penis.
I started dating Michelle, she's not super hot, but I've got to take one for the Peen.
by Nuuuuuuuuu June 7, 2009
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an act where one brave soul in your group of male friends hits on the Nottie of a group of hotties so his friends can get their slide on later on that night. taking one for the team usually involves just talking to the nottie and laughing at her jokes and complimenting her (horrid) appearance, but it may be necessary to appease the nottie by getting your wacka wacka on with her...back at her place of course, so your roomates never see her.
yeah, i was totally working up my conversation with number one hottie when her nottie roomate showed up (again!), so i had to to have joey take one for the team.
by rizosh July 16, 2001
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The act of taking the obese chick in a bunch of hot chicks, so the the other guys can get laid. Unfortunately, there are very few men who will take one for the team, and with good reason. If you find one, let me know.
Champ over there gets to take one for the team, this time
by ... November 30, 2003
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English. To take a day off work/ school for no apparent reason.
Mate A - Don't feel like working today.
Mate B - Take one for the Queen.
by BardonioUK February 10, 2008
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