A slang term for a common cold that makes your body hurt, joints ache, makes your head swim, and just makes you feel like utter crap.
Brenda gave me the crud. Now I'm gonna be stuck in bed for 5 days.

by OldFart1780 April 16, 2007
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What one says when one is afraid to say crap.
Person 1: *hits person 2*
Person 2: Holy - er.... crud!
by bat_hero August 29, 2009
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crap used to describe performance or reaction as bad.
replacing words such as crap and shit
"oh crud, i messed it up!"
"that was crud"
by adam pooler June 23, 2007
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exclamation favord by Springfield's resident badboy, Nelson Muntz.
"I wish Nelson wouldn't use the word 'crud' around Bart so often."
by Marge Simpson October 20, 2003
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A way of badly insulting someone. This can make your scheul bullies cry.....unless they know it means poop.
Stop that, you piece of crud!
teacher arrives, horrified

me: it means poop

teacher: smiles and walks away
by SNUBBED June 24, 2019
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When someone has black gunk underneath their nails.
Errr, Juliet’s got well cruddy nails.
by MazzBazz January 23, 2019
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