A big catfish especially, one that lives in the mud and also eats anything like raw sewage, decaying matter and other slop.
I just caught a muddie
by Critikale April 1, 2018
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1.) A deragatory term used to refer to a person of multiple or mixed races.

2.) A term used in reference to a womans vagina being dirty or loose.

1.) Damn dude, your white, black, mexican, and portugese... Hella muddy.

2.) That girl is so muddy I can smell it from here.
by DayVuhd January 31, 2007
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A fat overweight slob, which can normally be found in a bowl of any kind of food which you give to it.
I feared for my life as Muddy blocked out the sun
by Shizzle March 23, 2003
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An act of being hit and/or soaked from a bottle, preferably filled with dirt and water, thrown by another person

(can be used when soaked in any brown liquid but mainly mud in a bottle)
Hah, Gig got muddied from a Second story window after heading to the dentist appointment. What a fucking loser
by Junior ojel May 2, 2021
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Refers to a females vagina that happens to be loose or particularly large.
Ay cuz, Marvin said that bitch muddy as hell, I dont even wanna hit it no more...
by Ben Marley September 26, 2005
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1. Muddy Mud Skipper. A.K.A 'Pricey'.
2. Muddy Water's. Redmans third solo album.
1. Yo check that Muddy's shit he a hardcore mutha-fucka.
2. Yo, Muddy is still one of the best cds out there.
by Diego September 22, 2003
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