Short for Marching on Together. The pride of yorkshires (Leeds United) famous anthem.
Marching on together we're gonna see you win na na na na na we are so proud, we shout it out loud we love you Leeds Leeds Leeds! MOT
by Lucianooo February 2, 2011
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slang for "girlfriend" in dublin (Ireland). Used more commonly by people who come from poorer income families and particularly those who live in the northside of Dublin (live north of the river Liffey)
Hey John, is that Paul with his mot over there?


Me and me mot are heading out tonight, you wanna tag along?
by Enda March 8, 2007
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A dirty filthy poes (cunt,vagina,doof)
Paul: How was your date last night?
John: Went well, but she had a horrible tasting mot. sis
by Q5634535897689 July 16, 2009
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Did you know Tom backwards is mot
I'mma start calling you mot from now on Tom
by Sazerax April 25, 2019
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Means Minge on Tap.
Used when describing a place/venue that has a large amount of females.
Hey lets go to the Subiaco pub, plenty of MOT there!


Did you see hunty last night, he had his fair share of MOT.
by whitfords_1 April 18, 2007
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Mot: an acronym for Masturbate Over Them. Usually reserved for fit people.
Wow, she's so MOT.
Wow, he's so MOT.
by Smexy Smexison July 31, 2006
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