Word made up by the 2009-2010 Y11 Students attending Hinde House Secondary School Sheffield, England

They Decided to make a word that means anything you want, however most people often just use it as an optional word for "fit" meaning someone is attractive.

The defination of this word slowly started catching on throughout the city as this year group moved up to college (Longley park) and shared the word with new friends

The word is mostly used as an adjective.
Look at her she's reight Meef.

Oi you Meef head!

What you Meefing about at
by Mortcm November 9, 2010
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Eating a beef stick while doing a milf
Last night I was totally meefing Mrs. Klein, it was great because I got to enjoy some Slim Jims while hooking up with the hottest mom
by MOBJ March 8, 2009
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meef man-queef

when fucking a guy in the ass the one getting fucked farts, the fart travels up the man whos "pitchings" pee hole then the pitcher lets the gas out thru his pee hole
i just meefed a in his mouth after that asshole farted in my dick.
by herbbie hanson November 10, 2010
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A lover of Anus Ham, Bent Bananas and general Fudgepackery
by Fizzle, E November 23, 2008
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1) Mighty beef, or a fatty cow
2) A representation of ones strength
Ex1: (Staring at a fat cow) That's one meefy cow
Ex2: Bob: Hey, look johns got meef!;
by Oskenso Kashi March 26, 2008
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A word of no particular meaning. Can be used to express apathy. Also used as a casual nonchalant greeting in IRC channels. Also a name of a website. Meef is believed to have been invented by orgbot.
Lenin: I just found a meatball on the floor and ate it.

Orgbot: meef
by Lenin March 19, 2005
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