A man who broke up with Fyre and stole their identity, now, they live incognito under the name "Special Needs," and are awaiting trial for their atrocities. Also they killed some people, but Fyre has other plans...
Fyre: Sorry, I don't think things are working out...
MEE6: Boi watch me.
by FyreFlyre June 9, 2019
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Legendary Hero, Religious Leader. We should all look up to MEE6
MEE6 is my lord and savior!
by RealKlon August 17, 2019
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something funy made by funy turtle
hi this is something funy made by funy turtle that is mee6 penis is large cold and funy
by funy turtle February 3, 2021
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On December 12 All Discord user can kill and burn MEE6's Body And Banish Him
Discord User: ITS KILL MEE6 DAY

by FrostyWasTaken December 12, 2020
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“Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day” is a day celebrated on July the 19th every month by bullying the discord bot “MEE6.”
Since today was Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day, my friends and I took the day off so we could bully MEE6.
by Moxxie! July 5, 2022
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you can get to mee6 land by searching no in the ud command
by hi_mynamei June 19, 2021
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