A person that is beautiful inside and out. They are very caring and love to help out others. She can also be a big bitch, when she doesn’t get her way. Marianna is a lit mother fucker.
Are you coming to the party Marianna.
by Fancypxoxo June 12, 2019
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The name Marianna is used to describe an amazing funny person who draws on the skin on her elbow (wenis)
Caleb: Who's that girl?
Casey: Oh, only the hottest girl ever!
Caleb: Fo'Sure!
Casey:Back off, bro! Marianna's my property! Especially in the bathroom!
by B.P. Savage1327 February 22, 2019
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1.a awsome friend to laugh with and to talk on the fone with
marianna k is a cool person and her name is marianna
by jo January 26, 2005
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A girl you are most likely never going to get over. She is really pretty and you can't help thinking about.
Damn man, Marianna is just something special.
by __Basel_ January 15, 2018
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Loves to give people head for clout. She’s the biggest slut you’ll ever meet and usually is thiccc🤠
She is in love with bbc.
Oh she’s such a Marianna.

Look at that Marianna
by Thtdyhirgijydrhij April 24, 2019
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green herbs you can smoke
should we mix the Marianna with tabsco?
by groggenzeller July 1, 2019
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Gorgeous, amazing, sexy, hott, wanted, good kisser, graceful. Mariannas are usually fairly tall and have brown hair and tanned skin. Many girls envy her and wish to become her, while Guys want her, but won't admit it to her. Mariannas are usually very down to earth and have a slight country accent. Mariannas often seem untouchable, and can do anything they set their mind to. Mariannas are great dancers, and make the best friends you can find. Mariannas make great girlfriends and even better wives. Marianna is a popular name amoung mermaids. Mariannas have amazing hair and nice, toned legs. Mariannas are perfect in every way, so get to know a Marianna
"That girl is so fine, she must be a Marianna!" "Marianna is so damn sexy!". Braxton: "I wish I could date a girl like Marianna." Callie: "Gross, I hate that Marianna!" "She is so sweet, she must be a Marianna.".
by Davis1982 July 6, 2011
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