When you agree but show very little interest.
Joe: I finished that history assessment
John: Mkay
by VBcarton May 20, 2019
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black person who tries to be cool.hes fat and like to critisize others. he think he gets pussy from girls but he obviously doesnt. hes afraid of sexually activity. usually will come out of the closet in 2014.
mkai dont get pussy
by mariah t June 4, 2011
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made famous by mr. garrison in the south park movie mkay was to take over from saying the word fuck. though it is more commonly used today as a general cooler way of saying ok. it is also used commonly in chat rooms.
Barry's dad: Barry, go finger a dog
Barry: mkay
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Another Word For The Word Fuck/Fucking, Or Simply Okay..
A: I dropped My Mkaying Cell Phone In The Toilet
B: We Will Go Get You A New One, Mkay?
by Purplehazee November 18, 2007
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a nick name for the name Mary Kate or Mary Kathryn

an alternative to M.K.
"Wow, MKAY's real name is Mary Kathryn?"
by mkay<3 August 6, 2007
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When someone uses the term, "Perty Gay Like That, Mkay?", s/he is not in any way referring to a homosexual person. S/he is innocently pointing out that the person is acting perty gay. This is often confused with actually slandering someone for being gay.
by SaladTripp January 5, 2004
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