"Laughs to Death". Similar to Lol, Lmao, Rofl, etc. Commonly used after one of these.
Someone: "Lolol, look, Castro falled down!!!"
Someone else: "Lololol rofl lmao ltd!!!"
by Zolrak November 19, 2006
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"You're gonna get LTD"
by Blojovic April 24, 2009
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Stands for Learn To Drive. Usally heard over CB radio or Nextel when describing a moron on the road.
by Barry34785 July 14, 2006
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When you're laughing so much you think you're "about to die", your belly hurts like hell, so does your jaw etc. Basically the only thing you can do is laugh like there's no tomorrow.

Me: Watch this FurTV video
U: i cant feel anything dude, this is humour from another planet
by PRTdragon October 16, 2010
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Lick the Dish - a euphomism for felacio
I properly licked her dish last night!

Oh yeah? A little bit of LTD?

Yeah dude, LTD!!!
by shlurplemypurple March 14, 2010
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The clothing line produced by Marshal Mathers AKA Eminem/Slim Shady
by Jacob Peirce August 16, 2003
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A car made by the Ford Motor Company that began as the limited version of the Galaxy, only to become separate a couple years later. 1977 was the last year of the good LTD, after that they eliminated the 400 small block from their full size cars, the last good engine for from Ford.
It was intended as a family car, able to boat around at least 12 people, without using the trunk, but with a little bit of work they could be made fast. Capable of fitting a 460 big block with only the most minor adjustments.
My '77 LTD will kick off the line faster than any ricer, and it's stock!
by mage il-tackhead May 21, 2005
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