Liberty by essence is not an independent entity, but rather it is by default a natural entailment or consequence of unchecked or unrestrained freedom within the social framework of a society. Therefore, Liberty on its own merits void of unrestrained freedom is by essence not an unalienable and natural right, but rather it is a pre-established or predefined inalienable privilege. The miss-perception within society is that the two terms Inalienable and unalienable are used interchangeably and are thus viewed by definition to be synonymous, however this is in fact not correct. Inalienable rights, this refers to a social state in that it makes reference to certain predefined ( Privileges ) which are pre-sanctioned and granted by the state within society upon its members and are therefore not inherent. However, The term ( Unalienable rights ), this makes reference to those rights which are in the state of nature. Rights which are in effect inherent, Universal and thus constitute the very core essence of mans very being and existence within the natural order of nature without which no human being could exist and are not subject to change, regulation , negotiation or compromise. Ultimately, lliberty, constitutes various pre-established and pre-designated privileges sanctioned by society which every member within the social framework of the society in question are bound and are therefore expected to abide by.
The term Liberty or in this case ( Civic or civil Liberty ) originated from the term ( The Charter of Liberties ), also called the Coronation Charter, was a written proclamation by Henry I of England, issued upon his accession to the throne in 1100...Meaning that...It reflected upon certain rights or more pungently ( Privileges ) acknowledged, sanctioned and granted the people by the Monarchy ( State ) . A charter is the grant of authority or rights or ( Liberties ), stating that the granter formally recognizes the prerogative of the recipient to exercise the rights or Liberties ( specified ). It is implicit that the ( granter ) or ( The state ) retains superiority (or sovereignty), and that the recipient ( The people ) admits a ( limited ) or ( inferior) status within the relationship, and it is within that sense that charters were historically granted, and that sense is retained in modern usage of the term. ''
by Baron Neville June 29, 2016
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liberty is a pretty girl with lots of friends very loyal and gets mad very easy but no matter how many times she gets mad at you you still have to love her.
i love liberty
by b hcbzjvbk May 17, 2019
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What you dare not take from a prat who finks he's hard as nails.
"Oi, you takin liberties, mate?!"
by britishandworried February 9, 2005
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Bill of Rights? Liberty? The PATRIOT Act made all of those things obsolete. Get with the times.
by Ted May 30, 2005
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A really nice girl that care a lot about other people. She is also really pretty. She is also really funny.
Wow tha liberty is really pretty and funny.
by Enderbgg December 20, 2016
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The belief that no one should prevent people from influencing each other and that people should be able to express opinions and ideas without being oppressed.
I think that the government sux.

I have not been prevented from saying this, my government adheres to the values of liberty.
by waffle October 3, 2003
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A funny, awkward person who loves jokes and puns, but every time she hears one, she stares at you. Sometimes laughs at them. Has a lot of friends, or a small group of close friends. Can be nice or mean. Weird in a good way, and awesome. (at times) A huge geek/nerd that loves anime. She is addicted to her phone/tablet/laptop. She loves sandwiches and skittles. A very crazy person who loves her friends, and will do almost anything for them. She loves all genras of music, and likes to play an instrument. Immature at times. Her favorite color is blue, and she LOVES LOVES LOVES Undertale and almost all AU's. (Especially Inktale)
Wow, she is such a Liberty!
by Madison Belle February 16, 2017
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