A great country to visit. On your arrival you can feast your eyes upon Lions and Tigers, which are only avaliable in Kenya.
Where can you see Lions? Only in Kenya!
by SkuM001 February 2, 2004
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a bitch who also happens to be super hot. gr8 dancer, gr8 ass, gr8 boobs. hilarious as fuck. get yo self a kenyae.
there's no example because no example could define her beauty. kenyae is perfect.
by jejfjenfjenend December 29, 2016
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The country with the most beautiful women in East Africa and the most well educated, 'western oriented' population.Also the richest country in East Africa.
which country has the most beautiful women in East Africa?Kenya definitely has the most beautiful women.
by jepto September 30, 2006
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Kenya is the most amazing Hockey Goalie on earth!!! She has great fashion sense and cant spell to save her life. If you meet a kenya take by the hand and profess your undying love for her even if you don't know her that well because one day you will do anything for her because she is queen.
What is Kenya? Kenya is QUEEN!!
by KENYA_IS_QUEEN March 3, 2022
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The most beautiful lady living; the biggest blessing to walk this earth. Noun.
Yea she pretty but she ain’t “Kenya”
by Kenya’s December 9, 2019
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The best looking man in the world with athleticism, shoe game, education, and the most radical group of homies to ever roam earth.
Kenya is so hot .
Kenya got all the shoes.
by madeintyo March 14, 2017
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