The strongest young woman you will ever meet. She is determined and has a strong will. She is so beautiful yet she doesn’t know it. She has the biggest heart and is usually an animal lover. If you get a chance to have a Jayme in your life you’d be stupid to let her go.
Everyone~ Jayme is such a genuine person
by NeverLooseHope January 13, 2019
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Can be a dick sometimes but is very caring and compassionate, will protect everyone he cares about. Most likely a pornstar
Yo that guy is totally a Jaymes
by DUMPSTER NINJA April 9, 2018
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A lad from Western Australia who fronts a rock and roll group who are quite popular. He's actually quite a nice lad.
1.)Now I couldn't comment on Bowie or Jagger, but I do like Jaymes's new stuff.

2.)That Jaymes, he's a bit of alright isn't he?
by NES fan February 22, 2005
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Usually a blonde haired chick who likes it in the booty hole, but don't like gold jewelry. Usually dates or marries boys named Josh who wanna be gangsta eminem look a likes. Jayme's are known for getting cray cray when drunk. Beware once this happens.
Whoa did you see that Jayme with that Eminem look alike

I know I'm wearing gold hoops..don't Jayme me
by dubleya January 11, 2013
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Jaymes is real chill and cool to talk to. Once you get to know him you'll realize what a great friend he is. He a shortie but he pretty good at basketball. All of y'all needa meet a Jaymes bc he loyal and his name is spelled unique.
by urgrandma101 July 31, 2019
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A person who hides behind a mask. He is loving and caring although having a cold personality with those close to him. At heart he deeply cares for those close like family/friends and tends to be overprotective of them. Despite putting up a tough act deep down, he is completely insecure about many things. He is always talented at what he does but will have complete doubt in himself. Wearing a mask is easy for them because they feel that if they get attached they’ll end up hurt. They always hold others at an arm's length making it difficult to get along with them. Often quiet and shy around those they don’t know, over time they will adapt to that person. They enjoy being alone and keeping to themselves. In the end, he's a really caring/loving person, he will open up after some time and is absolutely loyal to loved ones. If you have a “Jaymes” in your family just know despite acting tough and cold they are actually soft, loving, caring, and insecure. Just know losing this person would really hurt.
"Why is Jaymes so quiet?"
by jarm2345761 September 29, 2021
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a musical composition that is close to ones heart.
"Dude, this is my jaym!"
by bbkf December 25, 2007
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